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Pamphlets and Handouts

We have been collecting all sorts of brochures, handouts, booklets, and every other style of printed freebie under the sun since we first got started and we want to make sure that people know the resources that we have available for them. Let's face it, these 10,000 "Asian Carp" brochures aren't doing any good sitting in a cabinet and we can only pass so many off to the local hardware stores and to our partners. 
Please have a look around and see if there is anything here that seems like it might be helpful for you. We're attempting to make this page as exhaustive and accurate as possible, but we may have even more things that have yet to be found that we can add later. 

A Guide to the Control and Management of Invasive Phragmites. - It is exactly as the title describes. 

We have ~20 of these.


What you can do about Aquatic Invasive Species - Here's another that pretty much says it all in the title.

We have ~200 of these


Plan Before You Plant - A helpful guide to teach gardeners about some popular ornamental invasives and what native things you should plant instead. 

We have less than 10 of these.

Why Should I Care About Invasive Species - A good intro booklet on why invasives species are worth learning about and combatting. 

We have ~20 of these.


Asian Carp - Info brochure on the various types of Asian carp that have caused so many problem in waterways throughout the US.

We have like 10,000 of these. Please take some.  

Knotweed Door Hanger - Just a nice little alert to leave on your neighbors door to let them know a bit about knotweed. 

We have ~20 of these.

CD3 Law - Information on the new boating laws passed in 2019.

We have ~50 of these.

Forestry Assistance Program - Learn if the Forestry Assistance Program might be useful for you.

We have ~50 of these.

Native Plant Brochure - A resource that lists some helpful resources. Xzibit would love this one! It also has some information about CM-CISMA on the back.

We have ~200 of these.

Invasive Plants Pocket Guide - So this is a nice, multi-fold booklet to help you ID invasive species. We don't typically hand these out willy-nilly like most of our materials, but if you'd like a copy for a classroom, library, gardening group, or other such organization, let us know.

We have ~12 of these.

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Fill out the boxes below and let us know what resources would be helpful to you.


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Matthew Lindauer - Coordinator

400 S. Badour Rd.

Midland, MI 48640


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